Parenting a Gen Z Footballer
Parenting a teenager in today’s complex fast changing world presents a significant challenge. Parenting a talented aspirational footballer presents an added complexity.
Please accept a ‘Gold Medal’ for the financial and time commitment you are making to give your son/daughter an opportunity to realise their ‘football dream’… Thank you. My experience is that your son/daughter will appreciate and recognise your commitment to them when they are adults.
To achieve the best possible outcome for your son/daughter (in football and in life) you need to parent with purpose and patience on their journey to adulthood. See it as a ‘journey of self discovery’ for your son/daughter. Your role is to help your son/daughter gain self knowledge (understanding how they perceive and interact with their world,) self acceptance ( being aware of their strengths and their shortcomings) and self commitment (applying themselves over an extended period of time.) This doesn’t happen overnight it takes consistency of parenting overtime.
Parenting a young person through the teenage years also known as adolescence (12-19 years) can be like taking a wild roller coaster ride- full of highs and lows. The Teenage years is a time of extraordinary change both physically and emotionally. Physical changes occur more rapidly in adolescence than at any other time in life except the early growth spurt of infancy.
Emotional changes are unpredictable and complex at this time leaving many teenagers (and their parents) confused and uncertain about themselves and life in general.
On their journey through the teenage years your son/daughter will navigate challenges in each of 3 stages of adolescence -Early-Middle and Late adolescence. While some young people pass through the stages or phases with relative ease others struggle and need support with some or all of the phases.
Key features and parenting tips for the 3 stages of adolescence:
*Early Stage/Phase of adolescence. Rapid change in the body of the teenager.(Key goal is to be like everyone else.)
*Middle Stage/Phase of adolescence.(Peer group of utmost importance. Rejection of authority figures.)
*Late Stage/Phase of adolescence.(Main goal is to establish personal identity and place in the world.)
In the next blog I will detail what I believe are the 7 Parenting Essentials.
Please contact me via email wellness@goldcoastunitedfc.com.au r 0438184994 if you’d like to arrange a confidential meeting at the club on a training night.