The Fuelled Footballer

Football is a sport that demands peak physical performance. To achieve and sustain this, proper nutrition is paramount. Parents are pivotal to ensuring their son/daughter receive the right nutrients to support their performance and overall well-being.

Well-planned eating practices help Football players to train hard, stay healthy and injury-free, and compete at their best.

Nutritionalists advise that athletes need to eat the right amount and mix of foods to support their higher level of activity. But that mix might not be too different from a normal healthy diet. Eating for sports should be another part of healthy eating for life.

The Role Of Nutrition In Adolescent Athletes’ Development

 During adolescence (11 years-18 years), significant physical and physiological changes occur, such as rapid growth, hormonal fluctuations, and increased muscle development. Proper nutrition plays a pivotal role in supporting these changes and ensuring overall well-being.

Fuelling the Footballer

The predominant fuel to optimise performance during a Football game comes from the breakdown of carbohydrates, so it is important to start matches well-fuelled. It is generally recommended that the last main meal be consumed 3-4 hours before the start of the game. This meal should contain carbohydrate, some protein and be lower in fat and fibre to minimise possible gastrointestinal discomfort, common with hard/high intensity running sports, as well as fluid for hydration. The small amount of protein in this meal may help to prevent hunger.

Suitable ideas for pre-game meal include:   (3-4 hours prior)

  • Sandwich or bread roll with chicken and salad
  • Bowl of porridge with sliced banana and berries
  • Pasta in a tomato-based sauce
  • Risotto with roasted pumpkin
  • Soy based stir-fry with white rice
  • Pancakes with sliced banana, berries, low fat ricotta and honey

Suitable pre-game snack ideas include:  (1-2 hours prior)

  • Sliced watermelon /banana
  • Banana sandwich on white bread with honey
  • Crumpets with jam
  • Fruit muffin
  • Liquid-based smoothies to promote faster digestion; e.g milk (of choice) banana, honey and oats


Fluid intake is critical during a game. Players should be ingesting some fuel during the game in the form of either food or fluid. The half time break provides a good opportunity for hydrating and re-fuelling. Players may prefer to take carbohydrate in the form of either sports drinks or gels. It is up to the individual and their perception of gut comfort as to what is the most appropriate carbohydrate option.


Recovery meals and snacks should contain the following three key macronutrients; carbohydrate (to replenish diminished fuel stores), protein (to repair and regenerate muscle cells) and fluid containing electrolytes (to rehydrate and replace sweat losses.)

Suitable recovery meal ideas include:

  • Naked Mexican burrito with rice, beans, fish, guacamole, pico de gallo salsa
  • Poke bowls with salmon, edamame, brown rice and vegetables
  • Healthy burgers with wholegrain buns, lean beef/chicken/fish patties and salad
  • Shepherd’s pie with sweet potato, chunky beef and vegetables.

Youtube Video:   1minute 23 seconds    Fueling Your Game | 5 Things Every Athlete Can Do (

Key points:

  1. Nutrient timing.
  2. Everything in moderation.
  3. Preparation is key.
  4. Hydration.
  5. Food over supplement.

Please contact me via email: or mobile 0438184994 for a chat or to arrange to meet at the club wellness centre on training night.