The Resilient Footballer

 Building resilience is crucial for young football players as it helps them navigate the inevitable ups and downs of the game.

The Oxford Dictionary defines resilience as – ‘The capacity to recover quickly from difficulties; toughness’   Resilience allows you to roll with the punches and cope with what life throws at you.  It is the ability to adapt and bounce back when things don’t go as planned. It’s being able to learn from mistakes and move forward rather than wallow or dwell on failures. 

So, what makes someone resilient? 

 Psychologists have identified resilient people as having: 

* a positive attitude 

* optimism 

* the ability to regulate emotions

* the ability to see failure as a form of helpful feedback 

* a flexible approach

* the ability to adapt to new and different situations

* the ability to learn from experience 

* the ability to ask for help when needed.

Although some people have a disposition to be more resilient than others, it is something that can be built and learned.

Building resilience relies on developing behaviours, thoughts and actions that can create a mindset that can be used in a variety of ‘life’ situations.

Effective strategies to develop and maintain a footballer’s resilience: 

1. Embrace Challenges

  • Seek Out Difficult Situations: Encourage your son/daughter to take on challenges, whether it’s playing against stronger opponents or trying new positions. This helps them learn to cope with discomfort and grow from those experiences.

2. Maintain a Positive Mindset

  • Focus on What they Can Control: Encourage your son/daughter to concentrate on their effort and attitude rather than the outcome of games. Remind them that every player has off days, and what matters is how you respond to setbacks.

3. Set Realistic Goals

  • Break Down their Goals:  Encourage your son/daughter to set achievable short-term goals that lead to their long-term aspirations. For example, encourage them to aim to improve a specific skill each week instead of focusing solely on winning games.

4. Learn from Mistakes

  • Reflect After Each Game: Encourage your son/daughter to take time after matches to analyse what went well and what didn’t and to use this reflection as an opportunity to identify areas for improvement rather than dwelling on failures.

5. Build Strong Relationships

  • Connect with Teammates: Encourage your son/daughter to develop friendships with their teammates by supporting each other both on and off the field. A strong support system can help your son/daughter feel less alone during tough times.

6. Practice Self-Care Techniques

  • Incorporate Mindfulness Practices: Encourage your son/daughter to use techniques including deep breathing, visualization, or meditation to help them manage stress and maintain focus during games.

7. Develop Coping Strategies

  • Create a Personal Toolkit: Identify techniques that help your son/daughter with pressure, such as positive self-talk or taking breaks when feeling overwhelmed.

8. Celebrate Small Wins

  • Acknowledge Progress: Recognize and celebrate even minor achievements in practice or games, which reinforces a sense of accomplishment and motivates your son/daughter to keep pushing forward.

9. Stay Committed

  • Don’t Give Up Easily: Cultivate a never-give-up mentality by reminding your son/daughter that persistence is key to overcoming obstacles in football and life.

By implementing these strategies consistently, young soccer players can develop resilience that will serve them well both on the field and in their personal lives.

YouTube Video: (27.01 minutes):   Build Mental Toughness in Sports: 

 ‘The 6 Mental Skills You Must Have!’ 

YouTube Video:(6:17 minutes):  GRIT by Angela Duckworth | Animated CORE Message.

GRIT by Angela Duckworth | Animated CORE Message1-Page PDF Summary: Book Link: FREE Audiobook Trial: core message of Angela Duckworth’s book ‘Grit’. To get every 1-Page PDF Book Summary for this channel: This video is a Lozeron Academy LLC production –

Key message:        Talent x Effort=Skill…………Skill x Effort=Achievement

Please don’t hesitate to contact me for support on mobile 0438184994 to arrange to meet at the club wellness centre on a training night.