The Well Rested Football

Research has demonstrated that sleep is paramount for footballers to be healthy in mind and body.

The Importance of Sleep for a Youth Football Player:

1. Physical Recovery and Performance Enhancement
Sleep is crucial for the physical recovery of football players. During sleep, the body undergoes various physiological processes that promote healing and muscle repair. Human growth hormone (HGH), which plays a vital role in tissue growth and muscle development, is primarily secreted during deep sleep. This means that adequate sleep not only helps a footballer to recover from training sessions but also enhances their overall physical performance on the field.

2. Cognitive Function and Decision-Making
Sleep significantly impacts cognitive functions such as memory, attention, and decision-making skills. For youth football players, these cognitive abilities are essential for understanding game strategies, making quick decisions during play, and maintaining focus throughout matches. Studies have shown that lack of sleep can impair working memory and processing speed, leading to slower reaction times and poor decision-making under pressure.

3. Mood Regulation and Mental Health
Quality sleep is linked to emotional well-being and mood regulation. Insufficient sleep can lead to increased irritability, anxiety, and mood swings, which can negatively affect both their performance on the field and their interactions with teammates. A well-rested footballer is more likely to maintain a positive attitude, cope better with stress, and foster teamwork.

4. Injury Prevention
Research indicates that inadequate sleep increases the risk of injuries among young footballers. Sleep deprivation can lead to decreased coordination, slower reaction times, and impaired judgment—all factors that contribute to accidents or injuries during play. Ensuring sufficient rest helps maintain optimal physical condition and reduces the likelihood of injuries.

5. Academic Performance
For youth football players who balance academics with football, sleep is equally important for academic success. Studies show that students who get enough sleep perform better academically due to improved concentration, memory retention, and problem-solving skills.  

Top sleep tips:

  • Establish and maintain a relaxing bedtime routine; for example Your son/daughter has a warm bath and a hot milky drink before bed, or uses meditation or mindfulness activities. 
  • Avoid screens such as computers, TV or smart phones, loud music, or any other activity that gets your son’s/daughter’s mind racing for at least an hour before bedtime.
  • Avoid stimulants in the evening like coffee, tea, soft drinks and energy drinks.
  • Keep your son’s/daughter’s bedroom dark at night. Their brain’s sleep–wake cycle is largely set by light received through the eyes. 
  • Keep a sleep routine. Set and maintain a ‘Go to bed’ and ‘Wake up time.’

In summary, sleep is an essential component of a youth football player’s routine, influencing their physical recovery, cognitive function, emotional stability, injury prevention, and academic performance. Prioritizing quality sleep can help young footballers reach their full potential both on the field and in the classroom.


3.12 minutes: 

Key Messages:

Benefits of sleep: Less risk of injury; muscle recovery; Increased motivation, focus, ability to learn. 

Youtube: Sleep for Teenagers. Dr. Chris Seton 1:19 minutes

Sleep for teenagersHow much sleep do teens need? How can parents make sure their teens are getting enough rest, especially during times of stress? Dr Chris Seton from the Child…

Please contact me via mobile 0438184994 to meet at the club wellness centre for a chat on training night.

Best wishes


Dr. J. Kemp OAM

Board Director GCU FC